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Low Back Pain in London

Lumbar Facet Joint Dysfunction

man siting on chair with low back painHave you felt pain in your lower back? Commonly we see lower back pain related to too much sitting at work on a computer and at home on the sofa. Often a combination inactivity, tight hip flexors, hamstring and calf muscles and weak core muscles (especially abdominal muscles) means a higher-than-normal degree of lumbar arch which puts pressure on the lumbar facet joints and leads to lower back aches and pains. It can also be from sleeping on your stomach or wearing high heels shoes, which may also compress the joints. You might notice that the pain is greater when waking up after sleeping on your front or after wearing high heel shoes.

At Body 4 Life Healthcare, we can provide you with a detailed evaluation including a full history, physical examination (including range of motion, orthopedic tests, neurological test, motion palpation and X-Rays if necessary*) to determine the source of your lower back pain.

*X-Rays are available in-house if the history and physical examination warrant them (for an additional fee).

Discomfort Caused by the Sacroiliac Joint

If you have a problem in your sacroiliac joint, it may cause pain in the low back that radiates into the hip, groin, and in males, into the testicles. You likely feel more pain when you move or exercise. The pain will feel localized in the lower part of the spine on one side.


model of human spine

The Signs of a Disc Injury

Have you ever twisted, bent or lifted, then felt a knife-like sharp pain in your back? Afterward, you probably felt sore and couldn’t bend over to put shoes or socks on and felt pain if you coughed or sneezed. Likely, it indicates that you have hurt the intervertebral disc and may have a bulging disc. When a disc bulges, it can touch or compress a large nerve that may radiate pain into your gluteus, leg and sometimes all the way to the toes. Some pins and needles and or numbness may be felt.

A bulging disc can also occur in the neck, which will result in pain down the arm. Thoracic disc injuries tend to be less common.

If a disc is torn badly enough or enough times, it can rupture, and the soft part (nucleus pulposis) of the disc can extrude (prolapse), which may compress the nerve and/or spinal cord. The pain is usually severe. Prolapsed (slipped) discs may be more difficult to address and in some cases, may require referral to a specialist and surgery. If you suspect you may have a disc problem, seek help immediately. We can provide chiropractic care often freeing up the nerve, and reducing the pain, and then look at how to prevent relapses and the frequently seen spiral of recurrent worsening symptoms that so often lead to the need for prescription medication and/or surgery and if mismanaged, a lifetime of pain and discomfort.

We can teach you how to strengthen your core and teach you how to prevent future injury.

Treating Your Trigger Points

At our clinic, we work with many who suffer from myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome, also known as Myofascial trigger points. If a muscle is overworked, overused or overstretched, a trigger point forms in the muscle. If you type at your desk all day, you likely have a trigger point in your forearm, since that is the muscle responsible for lifting the fingers. You can also overuse a muscle in the gym, and it becomes short or stiff.

These muscles need to be looked after to prevent trigger points and referred pain patterns. If you have overworked muscles in the shoulders, you may experience frequent tension headaches. By identifying where the pain is coming from and treating the trigger points, along with the use of heat, stretching and massage, we can get you the relief you seek. We’ll also look at your lifestyle to make specific recommendations tailored to your hobbies, habits and condition with regards to posture, stretches, exercises and lifestyle.

Safe Exercises for a Healthy Spine

Having a strong core is fundamental to enjoying a happy, healthy spine. Chiropractor Roger Reid will advise you on the core strengthening exercises that are right for you. We prescribe what is appropriate for each patient based on their age, muscle strength and spinal condition.

Get Started Today

Contact us today to get help for London lower back pain!


Low Back Pain in London for W2 communities of Paddington, Marylebone and Tyburnia | 020 7402 8999